Respiratory gymnastics helps not only to lose weight without diet and training, but also to slow down the aging process. Choose one of the five effective programs and make your figure perfect in just 15 minutes a day!

Overweight is a whole body malfunction. In order for the weight loss process to be effective and harmonious, an integrated approach to its restoration is required. Typically, this requires a balanced diet and adequate physical exercise for the body. However, many who want to lose extra pounds can't always limit themselves too much in diet or exercise, for good reason or a lack of willpower. Additionally, diets or grueling workouts often prove to be of little effect, and visible gains only become noticeable after a few months. Therefore, many people who are losing weight in half give up the struggle, having lost faith in their success. One way out of this situation can be breathing exercises for weight loss. Unlike exercise, it allows you to see positive results after several workouts and without severe dietary restrictions.
The effectiveness of breathing practices has been proven by time and a large number of real examples: thanks to such exercises, thousands of people of different ages have become slimmer and have improved their health. Proper breathing techniques help activate many processes that are important for weight loss:
- reducing the feeling of hunger;
- improve digestion;
- the breakdown of body fat;
- increased vigor;
- strengthening of the immune system.
Just 15 minutes of regular breathing exercises a day can accelerate the loss of extra pounds many times, ensure you maintain a stable weight for a long time.
How does it work
The amount of oxygen that enters the blood depends on the quality of breathing. Its increase has beneficial effects on the main systems, including:
- digestive - metabolic processes are activated;
- excretory - toxic substances are removed;
- endocrine, nervous - stress and tension are relieved.
Respiratory gymnastics is the only weight loss option that contributes not only to a decrease in total body weight, but also to a local reduction of problem areas, which cannot be achieved by other natural means.
Impact on digestion
Prolonged weight loss or the appearance of new fat deposits is directly proportional to the rate at which food is converted into usable energy. It is oxygen that guarantees the absorption of nutrients by the intestine, therefore its insufficient supply during the so-called "superficial" breathing significantly slows down the metabolism and the breakdown of fats.
Especially in this regard, the breathing technique is useful for women aged 40 and over, when unpleasant hormonal changes begin to occur in the body, as a result of which metabolism worsens, excess weight appears, as a rule, in the abdomen or other problem areas. At this age, even exercise diets are often powerless. But special breathing techniques that ensure sufficient oxygen saturation in the blood can slow down age-related changes, preventing the appearance of extra pounds. Indeed, such a system is indispensable for rapid belly weight loss at any age. With regular exercise or a diet, these fat deposits are the hardest to break down, while special breathing techniques allow you to get rid of them in the first place.
Purify the body
Breathing exercises contribute to the active elimination of harmful substances accumulated in fat cells. About 70% of these toxins can be gaseous and therefore simply exhaled with proper breathing. Oxygen also oxidizes fat deposits, contributing to faster destruction of fat cells, which leads to weight loss with a decrease in the volume of all problem areas.
Relief from stress and overeating
Another beneficial effect of breathing is to reduce the level of stress hormones in the blood. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to eliminate one of the main causes of overweight associated with the habit of "catching" stress.
Any breathing exercise for rapid weight loss is based on one principle: a specially designed inhalation-exhalation scheme contributes to the intake of more oxygen than normal breathing, and the exercises performed at the same time ensure its flow to problem areas and they activate all the fat burning processes in the body.
Proper weight loss with breathing exercises
In order for the lessons to be effective and bring real benefits, any such technique requires adherence to three basic rules:
- training should be regular and the decisive role is not played by intensity, but by constancy;
- you should not combine classes with a very strict diet, it is enough to switch to proper nutrition, since such training consumes a huge amount of energy, which must be replenished;
- you need to do this only on an empty stomach (except for the oxysize technique), the morning time is the best for this, immediately after waking up or at any other time - three hours after eating.
There are several main types of breathing techniques, most of which are an independent treatment and prevention program that can be perfectly combined with other measures aimed at losing weight. In addition, breathing exercises are often part of wellness practices, for example yoga.

The most common types of such techniques include:
- flexion of the body;
- oxygenate;
- jianfei;
- qigong.
In addition, there is a separate breathing exercise for rapid weight loss of the abdomen, which is more in demand among overweight people, as it helps to reduce the most problematic area and gives visible results very quickly.
Breathing exercises for the abdomen
This technique differs from all others in that the set of exercises, which is performed in combination with correct breathing, aims to train not the whole body, but only the press and waist. Although this has a positive effect on the whole body, as oxygen activates all the processes necessary for its vital activity.
Universal technique
Before engaging in this system, you should master a special diaphragmatic breathing technique, having learned:
- take a quick breath with your nose;
- slowly exhale through your mouth counting six times.
In addition, an important condition for such exercises is a strong tension of the abdominal muscles with each exhalation and relaxation during inhalation.
For women aged 40 and over
A special breathing system for middle-aged or elderly women helps to remove fat deposits on the abdomen, which greatly spoil the figure. The complex consists of 4 exercises and is performed as morning exercises for 15 minutes. You need to breathe as follows:
- inhale slowly through the nose, slowly exhale through the mouth;
- inhale slowly through the nose, exhale with two sharp exhalations through the nose;
- inhale slowly through the nose, slowly exhale through the nose, then make two sharp notes before exhaling;
- inhale slowly through the nose, exhale slightly through the nose, finish exhaling through the mouth.
With each inhalation, it is necessary to draw the stomach as much as possible, as you exhale, relax and protrude. All exercises are repeated three times in a row and then in a circle.
The bodyflex program is based on a combination of aerobic breathing and special exercises. Classes are performed at a slow pace, but at the same time they provide many times more load than jogging or strength exercises.

Features of the technique
Bodyflex, like most similar programs, also provides for breathing with the diaphragm, but its feature is that when performing certain exercises, it is necessary to make quite loud sounds. In this case, inhalation always occurs through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. A breathing exercise lasts 22 seconds, but you don't need to count them - if done correctly, everything will work out by itself.
The breathing pattern is as follows:
- exhale all the air, then exhale the rest, slightly rounded and stretching the lips forward;
- breathe in quickly, sharply, deeply, as after a prolonged lack of air;
- hold your breath for 3 seconds;
- sharply exhale as follows: forcefully open your mouth, squeeze the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, make an explosive exhalation with the sound "p-a-x-x";
- holding your breath as much as possible (recommended for eight counts), pulling the stomach as much as possible;
- inhale deeply, relaxing all muscles to get the "sshh" sound.
Even one of these activities contributes to an increased supply of oxygen, which activates the breakdown of fats, causes an increase in mood, improves well-being and fills the body with energy.
Simultaneously with breathing, physical exercises are performed in bodyflex, which are divided into three types:
- isometric, working with a muscle group;
- isotonic, forcing different muscle groups to work;
- stretching, aimed at developing elasticity.
It is thanks to this integrated approach that quickly visible results are achieved.
Training results
A large amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream during aerobic respiration promotes the activation of processes important for weight loss:
- metabolism accelerates, digestion is improved;
- increased lymphatic flow, which improves the elimination of harmful substances;
- the intensity of contraction of the stomach increases, contributing to a decrease in its volume;
- the breakdown of fat is activated, due to which the subcutaneous fat layer disappears.
As a result of regular exercise, the following is observed:
- decrease in volumes;
- elimination of cellulite;
- get rid of psycho-emotional stress, improve mood;
- improve the condition of the skin;
- normalization of the work of all systems, organs, processes;
- improvement of general health, rejuvenation of the body;
- gaining flexibility, grace, grace.
Only one hour of bending the body allows you to burn 3500 kcal, while with the same duration, jumping rope burns 150 kcal, aerobics - 250 kcal, running - 700 kcal.
The uniqueness of the bodyflex system is manifested in the fact that it simultaneously reduces the overall volume, correcting specific problem areas. However, such a high load is not suitable for all organisms, therefore it must be started with caution, taking into account contraindications and possible consequences.
It is forbidden to practice body flex if you have:
- severe cardiovascular disease;
- high blood pressure;
- problems with the spine (postoperative period, presence of implants);
- acute inflammatory or infectious processes;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- tumor neoplasms;
- any bleeding;
- pregnancy.
Another limitation is that it is not possible to perform bodyflex breathing exercises on a full stomach, otherwise nausea or vomiting is possible. You have to do this only on an empty stomach, it is better if it is in the morning immediately after waking up, or later, but three hours after eating. Exercise should be done outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. Also, you shouldn't start exercising without first learning the breathing technique, which usually takes about 4 weeks of daily training.
Oxysize is an innovative weight loss program for American Jill Johnson, very similar to the bodyflex technique, but with some differences. The main advantages are that this program has absolutely no contraindications and the lessons can be held even after meals. On the other hand, such a system is only suitable for those who are overweight associated with excess body fat. If you need to get rid of muscle mass, oxysize will not bring significant benefits.

Features of the technique
This technique is based on a combination of continuous diaphragmatic breathing with a certain load on specific muscles. Its main feature is the breathing cycle for one exercise, which is performed according to a special scheme:
- a breath;
- three breaths;
- an exhalation;
- three pre-exhalations.
Unlike the bodyflex, the exercises are performed with constant breathing without delay and without a strong retraction of the abdomen under the ribs, which makes this technique less stressful for the body.
Training results
Oxysize mainly fights with excess volumes, practically without reducing weight, as it only eliminates fat, which has a small mass. But if you observe proper nutrition during classes, you can simultaneously get rid of those extra pounds. The author of this program recommends four meals a day with a predominance of natural products and the rejection of all junk food. At the same time, the calorie content of the diet should not be reduced too much - it should be 1500-1700 calories.
Since such an oxygen technique works best on fat burning, maximum efficiency can be achieved in the fight against cellulite and in reducing problem areas: the abdomen, hips, arms, thighs, on which they usually appear most of the deposits. If you need to remove not only fat, but also to become more graceful by reducing the volume of muscles, then the weight loss system according to the method of the author of the singer is more suitable.
Respiratory gymnastics according to the author's method
The technique of correct breathing, developed by the singer, was originally intended for the treatment of the respiratory system. But, as a significant decrease in body volume was noted with regular exercise, such a system began to be used for the purpose of losing weight.

Features of the technique
Respiratory gymnastics is considered "paradoxical", since it is a large number of rapid movements, after which breaths with a non-expanding chest are performed. To achieve a positive result of weight loss according to this program, you need to observe some important rules:
- the basis of classes is inhalation - it should be sharp, noisy, reminiscent of smelling;
- exhalation follows after each inhalation - it should be absolutely natural without delay or expel the air;
- all movements are performed during inspiration at the rhythm of the exercise phase;
- the number of approaches and breaths should be gradually increased, while the number of approaches should always remain a multiple of 4, the number of breaths - 8;
- a break between sets - 3-5 seconds.
Regular performance of such exercises leads to an increase in lung volume, develops the habit of breathing correctly and maintains an accelerated metabolism in the future.
Training results
The efficiency of the system is based on the acceleration of the metabolism, which is achieved thanks to the fact that the air, with short sharp breaths, penetrates as deeply as possible into the lungs and supplies a large amount of oxygen to the blood. Thanks to this, a number of processes are initiated:
- improves blood supply, lymphatic flow;
- metabolism is activated;
- a significant amount of internal energy is consumed;
- subcutaneous fat is broken down, providing this energy;
- neuropsychiatric disorders are eliminated;
- increases tone, improves mood;
- local stagnation is removed.
It is believed that the system is suitable for everyone and has no contraindications. But it is not recommended to practice using this technique in the following cases:
- acute conditions with fever;
- serious violations in the work of organs or systems;
- acute thrombophlebitis.
Also, you shouldn't consider this system as the only way to get rid of excess weight. It will only work simultaneously with proper nutrition and exercise. To lose weight without diet and exercise, the Chinese jianfei method is more suitable. According to Rosa Yu Bin, who first introduced this system, in 2 months she shed 10 kg, doing nothing for it except breathing exercises.
Chinese gymnastics jianfei
The principle of losing weight with jianfei is based on the fact that such exercises help suppress appetite and significantly reduce the amount of food consumed. This type of respiratory system is also based on diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing, but with the simultaneous execution of only three simple exercises-postures.

Features of the technique
The practice of correct breathing according to the jianfei method can radically change not only the figure, but also the inner world of a person. Before doing such exercises, you need to clear your mind by focusing on your goal.
While many diets do not always give the expected weight loss, they often damage health as well, jianfei Chinese gymnastics is not only effective and safe, but also necessary for a person. When it is performed, the body's own forces are activated, the processes of its self-healing are activated.
The execution technique is a sequential combination of "upper" and "lower" breathing, while the inhalation-exhalation technique is separate for each exercise:
- "Wave" - a deep and slow inhalation with abdominal retraction and chest lifting, then a second delay and the same exhalation with abdominal protrusion and chest retraction;
- "Frog" - alternating breaths and exhalations through the mouth and nose, holding the breath for 3-5 seconds and completely filling the abdomen with air;
- "Lotus": you have to breathe in three phases: for the first five minutes, control the inhalation and exhalation, doing them deeply, slowly, without lifting the abdomen and chest; then five minutes - a natural uncontrolled inhalation, then the same as in the first stage, a deep, long and relaxing exhalation; at the end of the ten minutes, simply breathing naturally, ignoring depth and rhythm.
By performing just three of these exercises, significant weight loss and overall health benefits can be achieved. Furthermore, each of them has its own directional action:
- "Wave" reduces appetite, eliminates hunger, promotes satiety faster, can be done before or instead of eating;
- "Frog" normalizes blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, improves the digestive tract;
- "Lotus" eliminates fatigue, calms, gives energy.
Training results
Jianfei gymnastics promotes oxygenation of all organs, which contributes to:
- improved metabolism;
- normalization of the water-salt balance;
- restoration of tissue gas exchange;
- strengthen and improve the body.
In addition to eliminating hunger, jianfei training relieves fatigue and tension, normalizes important processes in the body. Thanks to this, a person gradually gets rid of the extra pounds, without harm to health.
Of the three exercises indicated, there are contraindications only for the "frog" - it is not recommended to do this:
- during pregnancy;
- with diseases of the spine;
- in the postoperative period;
- with a tendency to internal bleeding.
The "wave" and "frog" exercises should be performed in the morning, on an empty stomach. "Lotus" is just a meditation posture that requires no effort, so it has no limitations. The result on such a system is achieved stably, but rather slowly. For accelerated, but no less useful weight loss, the ancient Chinese practice of qigong is more suitable.
Qigong is a traditional exercise system that appeared on the basis of Taoist psycho-practitioners, aimed at healing the mind and body. It includes a whole range of different techniques, of which a combination of a special diet with a special breathing technique is used to lose weight.

Features of the technique
Qigong breathing exercises are part of wellness practice and are based on the combination of a special breathing technique with a healthy diet. The diet requires adherence to several principles:
- harmony of all tastes: salty, sweet, bitter, sour, spicy;
- refusal of meat;
- lack of overeating;
- dinner 4 hours before bedtime.
At its core, qigong is not so much gymnastics as work with Qi energy, the free flow of which ensures the health of the body. A feature of such a system is the presence of a large number of types of breathing, the main of which are:
- natural: superficial, free, soft, long;
- straight abdominal - performed with the help of the abdomen: protrusion on inhalation, retraction on exhalation;
- reverse abdominal - the opposite of direct: retraction on inhalation, protrusion on exhalation;
- with delays - after inhalation or exhalation of different duration;
- latent - threadlike, almost invisible to others.
All these types of breathing can be combined with each other to form other types.
Additionally, there are many qigong exercises, which fall into three categories:
- static;
- dynamic;
- balance and coordination.
They are not done all at once. The main thing here is to carefully work out one movement and only then start another.
Training results
Chinese breathing exercises allow you to control your weight without feeling hungry or fatigued from exercise. As a result of the lessons:
- blood is enriched with oxygen, improves blood flow, which reduces appetite, clears the mind;
- eliminates the stress and tension that lead to overeating;
- the speed of metabolic processes increases;
- diseases that cause obesity are cured;
- muscles are strengthened;
- the elasticity of the tissues increases.
In addition, qigong can be structured in such a way as to eliminate specific problems, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
It is not recommended to practice qigong gymnastics when you are very tired, after insomnia or severe nervous tension. Only a calm state will ensure maximum effect. Immediately before and after classes, you shouldn't eat anything cold, as such food is believed to drain energy from the stomach and negate the benefits of any exercise. Additionally, there is a whole list of conditions under which qigong practice is contraindicated:
- general heaviness or weakness;
- mental disorders;
- cardiovascular disorders;
- blood diseases;
- problems with the musculoskeletal system;
- strong pathologies of the structure of the body;
- relapse of chronic diseases;
- taking strong drugs;
- postoperative period;
- sharp deviations from normal body temperature;
- too intense sports.
It should be noted that even if there are contraindications, qigong practice can be effective, but it can only be practiced under the guidance of a Master.
Additionally, there are other breathing exercise complexes that can be used in place of qigong. You should know that of all the breathing techniques, only the Indian yogi system is not recommended for women - the so-called pranayama, as it makes the face look old.
Having decided to lose weight or become healthier with the help of breathing exercises, you need to consciously choose the type that best suits your goals, individual characteristics, needs and problems of the body, taking into account the state of health, character, personality lifestyle.
Only with the right approach and strict adherence to all recommendations can you really not only lose weight, but also improve your health with high quality.